After daring to take the leap

A while back I wrote a blog about me collapsing and it all going nowhere. Missed it? Read it here. Now I get super many questions about how I am doing now and how I like the new life. So time to take stock of 'after the jump' (you know, the one [...]

And suddenly I broke down...

If you have been following me for a while, you know that besides being an illustrator, I am also chronically ill. I am very limited in energy and therefore can only 'work' for about 3 hours a day. Where I started my etsy shop three years ago and was happy with 10 orders a week, [...]

Painting as therapy

Life sometimes feels too big, scares me or overwhelms me. Anxiety rears its head, hello PTSD! But fortunately, there are more and more times when PTSD fades into the background. And the crazy thing is: you can see it in the illustrations I make!

Strange times and cosiness

Perhaps you have already read it somewhere, in the newsletter or on Instagram, we have a new house! Super fun of course, but also intense. Especially because it's in another part of the country, everything is new. Strange times so, that calls for self-care with... cosiness of course! In this blog, you will read all [...]

5 x summer cosiness

Cosiness is associated with autumn, cold, Christmas, candles and blankets. But there is also such a thing as summer cosiness! In this blog, 5 lovely cosy, cosy summer tips!

Designing your life

Yes, you read it right! Designing your life, that's what I'm going to talk to you about today. Since becoming chronically ill, I have had to rigorously change my life. Tricky? Yes. Would I want it any other way? No! Around me I see it happening so often, friends, the people I coach or through the [...]

What cosiness brings you

Cosiness has many benefits. Whether it's about creating feelings of warmth and security, taking good care of yourself or self-acceptance; it all comes back in a cosy lifestyle. And besides that, it's just great fun of course!

Entrepreneurship with obstacles

As you may know, I am chronically ill. I have PTSD and a suspected brain injury after an accident. Not easy, not fun, but above all NOT the reason to make nothing more of my life. Because it is precisely by focusing on totally different things and especially things I can do that my [...]

Cosiness and I - My Story

Cosy, warm, cosy or just plain cosy? And what is it that I just can't stop talking about? It has to do with my illness and being happy.