More cosiness through structure?

Maybe I should just start at the beginning. In the previous blog, you read that I made a mess of things with all the busyness, and the structure was far from perfect. Be sure to read it again if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Writing that blog really made me [...]

The oxygen mask

  I sit next to my little Christmas tree at my studio. As I look outside, wet snow pours from the skylight. I ponder for a moment. 

I'm better, aren't I?

I'm better, or am I? My life has changed a lot. This shot through my mind as I was brooding on a new blog. It only now seems to dawn on me how much my life has changed. It is sometimes confusing: does it mean I am 'better' or just that I have adapted my life so [...]

Cosiness and my 'world-burnout'

Cosiness and my world-burnout I have world-burnout. I can almost hear you thinking: 'a what?' I explain it all to you in this blog. Not to worry, it's not a lament, because I love focusing on things that help and make you feel good. Cosiness is exactly that. 

About resilience

It was such a tough year, I almost dare not think about it anymore. But with the rest we are taking now, comes the space to look back. I only now see how intense it really was actually. What I also see is how powerful I am, how much resilience I have AND what [...]

self-care first?

Subconsciously, we hear it very often: you have to take good care of yourself first before you 'take care' of others. Sounds logical somewhere, but I fell for it again.

The bear in the room

9.5 years ago, I became ill. After a few years of fussing and figuring it out, it became clear what was wrong AND... that I had to learn to live with it. It felt like there was a huge bear in the middle of the room that I couldn't ignore. A bear that I hated but that I (or I [...]

It's too much, time to cocoon!

It's a lot, it's busy, it's too much. Renovating a house is one thing, but running a (fast) growing business is quite a lot. Especially considering that I am not 'fully employable', mentally vulnerable and I have to take my health into account a lot.

I burned my illustrations...

And I've never done that before. But I had to do something to give it closure. To give it a place. What exactly? I'll explain that to you in this blog.

Letting go (is hard)

Oy, you know that? You worry about things you'd be better off letting go of. A renovation that isn't progressing, a sewer overflowing, laundry bulging out the basket, to-do lists rattling around in your head or deadlines constantly rattling around in the back of your mind. I don't feel good about it [...]