self-care first?

Subconsciously, we hear it very often: you have to take good care of yourself first before you 'take care' of others. Sounds logical somewhere, but I fell for it again.

It's too much, time to cocoon!

It's a lot, it's busy, it's too much. Renovating a house is one thing, but running a (fast) growing business is quite a lot. Especially considering that I am not 'fully employable', mentally vulnerable and I have to take my health into account a lot.

The story of....

I thought it would be nice to share more about my ideas for my illustrations. I am always very reticent about this because I want you to feel for yourself what an illustration evokes in you and can do for you. If you want to keep doing that, don't read on. Are you curious about [...]

Letting go (is hard)

Oy, you know that? You worry about things you'd be better off letting go of. A renovation that isn't progressing, a sewer overflowing, laundry bulging out the basket, to-do lists rattling around in your head or deadlines constantly rattling around in the back of your mind. I don't feel good about it [...]