The rain taps against the window, when I look outside I see leaves blowing from the trees. It is autumn. My favourite time of the year. The time for cosiness, snugness and cosiness. Here you can read my favourite cosy indoor stay tips.
A cosy house
OK, maybe not your whole house, my bathroom and hallway are messy too, but it is great to make the places in your house where you relax or spend a lot of time cosy. The candles can come out of the cupboard again and I replace my stack of favourite books next to my yellow chair, so that on rainy mornings I can relax in my cosy corner and get inspired. I add some pumpkins, pine cones and other cosiness and I am totally happy. Oh and how about a lovely autumnal poster or print?
Popcorn and chestnuts
It is also time again to spend some more time in the kitchen. Whether it is to make delicious casseroles, bake a cake or just pop some popcorn or chestnuts, it is cosy! Do you recognise that in summer you feel much less like being busy in the kitchen? I quite enjoy baking bread and cake, but in summer I don't even touch the mixer. As soon as it starts getting cooler and the days shorter, I suddenly feel like baking, roasting and stewing again!

Games from the closet
Pull out the board games again, because the season is open! Lovely rainy Sundays to play games all afternoon. Curious about my favourites of the moment? Then read THIS agree.
Me time
As soon as the days get shorter, I also feel more need for 'me-time', time to muse, plan, feel and enjoy writing in my journal. Autumn is cyclically the time of year when you turn inward, we all slow down, we reflect, rest, and recover from the (traditionally) hard work of the summer months. It's a natural cycle and I like to remind myself that I can just let that happen. That it's perfectly normal to feel different each season and may adjust your rhythms and plans a little more accordingly.
Autumn is a wonderfully inspiring time. Slowly moving towards the cosy month of December, plenty of time outside to wander around in nature. Got a wet suit? It is so nice to warm up with a cup of tea and an inspiring book. Do you feel like autumn now? Great, enjoy!
PS. sharing some more autumnal delights from my shop with you though!
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