The change

Something is different, I notice it myself. There is something different in my art, my work, my business. Have you noticed it? I think it's because I'm changing myself, I'm more firmly in the world, I have my PTSD (as far as it goes) well under control, I don't over-question myself so much anymore and [...]
2 years of doing business with a disability: 4 lessons

This week I am exactly two years an entrepreneur, how fast that went! Where I once started painting as a form of therapy for my PTSD I am now suddenly an entrepreneur (and fortunately I still paint nice things for myself). Two years summarized in 4 lessons, or experiences....
Behind the scenes: making a card deck

It was a dream of mine that I had been cherishing for years. Making my own Card deck! I love using them, card decks. Just for inspiration, lovely! But all the decks I could find were 'just not' my thing. It was either too floaty, too abstract, too general or just too specific and [...]
Balance sheet

Since the middle of last year, my life has changed dramatically. From being mostly sick and only focusing on 'self-care', to being super busy with my business. It's quite a change and that's why it was quiet here for a while. But I'm back and it's time to tell you all about it [...]
Advent calendar building instructions
Hello, how nice that you have my advent calendar! In this post, some 'tips and tricks' for putting it together. Watch the video below for building instructions and tips!
My picture book adventure - part 1

It seems so fantastic and amazing. But you often won't see the struggles. So here the first part blog post about my picture book adventure. Super honest!