A while back I wrote a blog about me crashing and that I couldn't do it any longer. Missed it? Read it here. Now I get many questions about how I'm doing now and how I like the new life. So time to make up the balance "after the I jumped" (you know, that figurative jump I took ;-)).
Looking back and then being shocked
Now that I look back I am startled. I now see that it was far too much, that I did not get round to 'living' and that I was grumpy all the time because I simply had no energy left to be 'nice'. Now that I have returned to 'slow living', especially now with the flu, you really notice the difference. I'm still a busy bee, that's in my nature, but I don't go over my limits anymore. What a difference!
Designing your life the way you want it
This has always been a motto of mine since I became energy limited. You have to choose how you want to shape your life. Okay sometimes something happens to you, but there is almost always something to choose. I have always been very conscious of that, but due to the tremendous growth of my business (because of all your orders: YAY!) I was lived in the end. And being lived is terrible. It's fine for a while of course, it happens to everyone. But basically you want to shape your life the way it suits you. So that you can be comfortable in your skin and be the nicest version of yourself.
Back to the basics
For me, the basics go back to my values. Things that are important to me, like my health (i.e. living fun while not having to go over my limits), slow living, enjoying nature, expressing myself creatively and having a good time with the people (and dogs) around me. And finally I am back to those basics and it is HUGE!
An example: my dear neighbour was standing on a Monday morning at the door: 'are you coming with me to the Rijksmuseum, I'm leaving in half an hour,' she said. Normally I packed orders on Mondays and it was the heaviest day of the week for me, so that was not an option. Now I thought: okay, I still have a lot to do, but that can be done later AND I have room to recover tomorrow (because what an energy cost such an outing, pfiew!). It had been my wish to visit the Rijksmuseum for years, so I just accepted the offer! So after my 'jump' there is room for spontaneity, but also for development. I notice that my creativity continues to develop and I am enjoying it all so much!
What do you need to do with this talk?
You're obviously wondering what on earth to do with these concoctions of mine. Well, I want to get you thinking:
-Are you living within your limits right now? It doesn't always have to be, the Rijksmuseum was way over my limits too, but as long as you don't live chronically over your limits and take time for recovery it's fine!
-Is there room for curiosity, spontaneity and laughter?
What does your foundation look like? What are your values?
Could you use some support to shape your life the way you want? Then check out Messages from the woods!
Glad things are better now! Staying within your own limits can be very difficult. Sometimes due to 'pressure' from others but just as often due to my own drive (or frustration) when I have another migraine. Finding the right balance then, I sometimes find very difficult!