Ugh, you know that? You worry about things you'd be better off letting go of. A renovation that isn't getting along, a sewer overflowing, laundry bulging out the basket, to-do lists rattling around in your head, or deadlines constantly bouncing around in the back of your mind. I don't feel comfortable putting it all to the side. My body goes into survival mode, everything cramps up (hello pain), headaches and poor sleep are just a few annoyances. What helps? Letting go! In this blog you can read my tips (which I needed to hear again myself ;-)).

Tendency versus reason

When I am busy and have to do all kinds of things by myself, I tend to put my shoulders to the wheel and just try to solve, get rid of or complete as many of those things as quickly as possible. I am already having a hard time because I am "busy" and I then decide to go a little harder to reduce it. Well ... that doesn't always work so well.

Now I'm not going to say that you should mostly cross things off your list or just take it easy, because life doesn't always work that way (hello basement full of sewage). But I do really enjoy being aware of my tendency and tempering it a bit. It's an interplay between prioritizing, shuffling, procrastinating and just focusing for a while and getting rid of "a lot.

So you may well see me work like crazy a few hours from time to time, but after that there must also be rest and I embrace my "slow living" ideal.

How do I want to live?

Nice cliche, but it helps! Imagining and falling back on my idea of how I actually want to live. Slow, quiet, with time for walks, baking, reading and gardening. Feeling fulfilled about the work I do, but at the same time relaxed enjoying life. Do you feel it? Exactly, so this helps me too!

Tightrope walk

The insta-perfect picture of people all "calm" gardening, baking, painting and being happy is of course very tempting, but not realistic. In reality, it's tightrope walking, finding and keeping balance. Between doing things, being ambitious, wanting to achieve something and slow living. And it's about how you maneuver on that tightrope, screeching full of stress, waving your arms; Or calm, gentle on yourself with a touch of humor. The latter does fit into my lifestyle, so I am embracing the hustle and bustle, laughing at the goofiness and getting outside for a soothing walk later.


Especially when I am busier, I love to create "moments. Moments when I make my favourite tea, grab my book or stroll through the garden to see everything that grows and blooms. Moments when my nervous system can unwind, without having to rigorously plan a day of wellness. It doesn't have to be complicated, self-care is often easier than you think! Think again about your ideal life, that picture we outlined! Can you spend 15 minutes doing something that fits within that life?

Inspiring moments

4 responses

  1. Thank you for this piece. I really needed a moment to read this. I saved the bit about tightrope walking as a screenshot, because it speaks to me a lot.

  2. Thanks for this reminder! Will still read this piece regularly. I am the type mainly to keep going ( going over my limits ) though I am already a bit more conscious of taking a step back from time to time.

    Love Claudia

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