Hallo! Wat leuk dat je mijn adventskalender hebt! In dit berichtje wat ’tips en tricks’ om hem in elkaar te zetten. Bekijk onderstaande video voor bouwinstructies en tips!
Scroll naar beneden voor de omschrijving in het Engels.
Thank you for supporting me and I hope you’ll love your advent calendar as much as I do. Here are some tips and tricks to build your calendar. You can also watch the video above, but I talk Dutch there, so you might want to read this first.
Tip 1
Remove all the little things from the ground plate, walls and roof before you start building. If you find it hard to do it with your finger nails, you can use the tip of the woodstove to press the little holes.
Tip 2
Start building by getting the groundplate, the 3 walls and the wooden arch. Press the 3 walls and the arch firmly in the holes of the ground plate. Than get the roof and make sure it gets all the connecting points of the walls and arch. Final step: firmly press the roof and your house is solid as a rock!
Tip 3
If you find holes that are a bit small, don’t press with the end of the piece, but use a bigger part to wiggle the whole a bit bigger. Watch the video to see exactly what I mean!
Tip 4
I guess you know exactly what to do with your calendar, but if you’re wondering I’ll tell you. Every day of december you add a piece corresponding with the date and number. Find the corresponding number in your house and put it there. You’ll end up with a cosy Christmas party!