More cosiness through structure?

Maybe I should just start at the beginning. At the previous blog you read that I made a mess of things with all the busyness, and the structure was far from perfect. Read it again, in case you have no idea what I'm talking about. Writing that blog really made it clear to me that, above all, I lack structure. In this blog all about my 'trial' with structure and I'll tell you if it's paying off for me.

Love-hate relationship

I need structure, but I also hate it. I like predictability and it also bores me quickly. I want to be free and tailor my day according to how I feel, but I also want to earn an income from my little paintings. Clearly a love-hate relationship with structure, right?

As a child, I was afraid of structure, afraid that there would be too much space in predictability to feel (it was a difficult childhood), afraid of boredom (=space to feel). But I was also a child who needed structure and was anxious about really everything (that went differently than usual). And only now, a few weeks after I realised I couldn't go on like this, do I see this pattern.


Test 1,2,3

So time to put it to the test. After all, I don't have to be afraid of feeling, I don't shy away from any feeling these days (proud of it!). So I don't have to fear structure anymore either.

Now I have been working for about 3 weeks with much more structure. I structure, I subdivide everything into projects and plan my days. I keep an hour free on Fridays to review and plan. I no longer forget appointments and even my husband notices a difference in household planning and things. But above all: it is much calmer in my head!


More cosiness

And that's not all, I notice much more difference. I can let go of things more easily, leaving more room to crawl into my cosy bubble and recover and rest properly. More cosiness, more 'slow living', because I structure: YAY!

But also my creativity gets more space. That's what I am planning for now! I notice that I get enormous satisfaction and pleasure from painting, but also that my head overflows with inspiration. Also, the threshold to paint is getting smaller. Before, I had so little time that everything I would start on really had to be exactly what I wanted to make, I had to be sure. Now it's more: okay fun, interesting, let's try it!



Ai ai ai, persistence. This is something I find very difficult. Because, looking back now in my life, I've had this a lot of times. And every time I struggle, feel overwhelmed, or suffer a setback in my anxiety disorder, I let go of all structure. I don't oversee it anymore, abandon planning and end up in a downward spiral. Maybe you recognise it? Oh yes, this is also reflected in the house by the way! My husband usually knows how I am doing by the 'clutter status' of our house, haha.

But each time you learn more. Next time, I might recognise the downward spiral faster and be able to ask for help sooner to get back on track, or motivate myself because I remember that more structure has such a good effect now. Or I'll read this blog again!


Creative curiosity

For now, at least, I am very happy and enjoying being creative. Because I have planned that too: every Friday is my creative day. This year I want to further develop myself creatively, so that is also part of my planning and may I consider important! I am curious what this year will bring me, but 1 thing is certain: painting is my passion


Ps. What do you think of this year's first 3 new illustrations? 

7 responses

  1. How beautiful they are again! How do you come up with it again! Plaatjes😍genieten! Thanks! And beautiful blog! Recognizable!

  2. Cool Esther! You make beautiful stuff. Your 'cosy journal' is on my desk waiting for its turn. For several years now, I have been working with a bullet journal to keep my life organised. I do a year with a bullet journal. I was wedded to a particular brand and size of journal in a dot grid version. Unfortunately, these are no longer available and to my luck, my daughter found your cosy journal. Exactly the size I was looking for ánd dot grid! I am curious to see how the paper behaves in relation to everything I do in it: sticking photos and images/filler writing/washi tape/micron fineliners etc. If I like it, I hope you will eventually design the same format with other covers too 🙂

  3. Very recognisable what you all write! I admire you so much for being so open, and for turning a negative situation (being ill) into something positive (painting a lot). I get a lot of strength from that, and it gives me hope for the future (fellow Ps'er). I order your slides because 1, I think they are beautiful, and 2, because I just really wish you well. Looking at your records also slowly makes me dare to dream a little again. I always look forward to new records 🙂 You are a beautiful person!

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