The oxygen mask


I sit next to my little Christmas tree at my studio. As I look outside, wet snow pours from the skylight. I ponder for a moment. 

I always have it very clear. Living stress-free, at my own pace, making the things I like or need. Having a good balance between work, creativity and 'personal' slow living. For me, the latter is having the space and time to do the things I find important. Baking a cake, decorating the house, calling a friend, going for a walk or the (seasonal) rituals I find important. Anything that contributes to relaxation and 'slow living'. 


Not 10 cosy Christmas tips

Secretly, I find that I also struggle with expectations. I really want to 'give' you as a reader relaxation and cosiness with my blog, newsletter or illustrations. It even feels a bit like a 'failure' to admit that I am struggling with it myself at the moment. After all, who am I to doodle a blog with '10 cosy Christmas tips', for example, when I am struggling with my balance myself at the moment!

The reality now is that life is sometimes tough for everyone, and it can't always be cosy. Neither does mine.  


I had forgotten for a moment...

I have always been very open about my struggles and realise as I write this that I want to stay that way. I want you to know that I also struggle with relaxation, slow living and integrating cosiness into my life. Guess what?

That is exactly why I started doing what I do! I paint little reminders for myself to slow down, to live more cosy and to just 'be'. That others also enjoy it is of course fantastic (a dream come true!). Also for me, my own cosiness may be a reminder that it's okay to be a bit more quiet, maybe what I just forgot for a moment because of all the busyness. 


The oxygen mask

Meanwhile, snowflakes are falling, it is starting to get dark and I realise I am feeling a bit better. Besides painting, writing helps too! I take another look at my diary, delete some things and decide that typing this blog is the last thing I will do for today and immediately slide in some 'painting time' for next week. There is so much 'to do' and at the same time I only need to do one thing: take good care of myself. Because from there I can continue to give, create and share. A lesson I learned a long time ago, but I still cherish. The classic: first give yourself an oxygen mask in an emergency situation (on a plane) so you can help another person. You can only mean something to others if you take good care of yourself. So tell me: what are you going to do today? 

6 responses

  1. Agreed. I'm sitting with cat on lap, warming blanket on (against my back), cup of tea and um oy, browsing your shop again 😉 the plan was to read a book, haha.

  2. Slow down dear Esther. You have created and done so much beauty already this year! Now you may enjoy and benefit from it and be proud of it ! Have a nice December month! Love from the north of Holland

  3. Lovely to read your words. I find writing soothing too 🙏🏻
    Your blog and newsletter are such safe and cosy places 🥰

  4. I just came across one of your pictures and looked you up. I am happy to have discovered your work, it really speaks to me. Thanks for the cosiness and joy.

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