Cosy summer story

Imagine opening the door of a cosy cottage. Totally your cottage! You step inside and it smells deliciously of freshly baked cake. The garden doors are open and the chickens scratch happily in the grass. You take a deep breath, the atmosphere in the cottage is cosy, just what you like. You find piles of books, your favourite subjects! The kitchen shelves are filled with stock pots. A big bowl of strawberries is on the table and tea is kept warm on a tea light. Time to relax! But is this really your story?


Cottagecore, Slow living, Cosiness....?

All confusing terms that fly around your ears, but which mean nothing more than living in a way that is comfortable for you. A way that suits you, away from the 'rush rush' and influences of the day. Slower, more conscious, time for yourself, unwind and so on. I sometimes find it quite intimidating all those terms. Do you recognise it? 

I sometimes get the feeling that I have to 'get it right', that I have to fit within a movement. I recently read somewhere that people who live 'cottagecore' don't like bright colours, but mainly white, neutral and grey. So I find something like that so incredibly limiting! Just because the (so-called) perfect pictures on instagram are now all white, light and 'neutral', that says nothing at all about the heart of the matter! 

After all, it's all about what suits YOU. I find the world boring without colour (so I can't wait to start painting our living room in autumn). Maybe you like 'cosy and cottagecore' but don't like baking or cooking at all. Fine!


Your own story

Scroll back. Read the little cosy story again. Slowly! And now fill it in completely as it suits you. What does the little house look like. On the outside, on the inside. What would make it cosy for you? What books are waiting for you (or is it something else?). 

Done? And? How do you feel? The beauty of all the cottagecore and movements out there is that they can be a wonderful inspiration. Dreaming away at cosy cottages, pictures of cosy houses or (of course ;-)) cosy illustrations. Delightful! Be inspired, but never limit yourself. One of my favourite quotes: 

'design a life you love'

And I always add: 'and that works for you'. For me, this always makes me come back to myself and live cosy the way I like it. And now for some cosy inspiration for you, of course: