The mistake I keep making

I'm doing well! Finally, after all the rebuilding and hassle! But there is one mistake that I keep stubbornly making that sometimes gets me into trouble again. 

I love being busy

It suits my character, being nice and busy. Working a lot and so I am also such easy prey for burnout. When I fell ill 10 years ago, and suddenly couldn't do much anymore, I had to change course. Now of course you expect a heroic story that I changed my life and no longer suffer from anything right? Well, your character and traits just remain and I too have to keep working to avoid getting bogged down in my old patterns again. 

The mistake I keep making

It's so obvious and so simple! Do you know that? That you really know yourself that you'd better do things differently, or realise you're stepping into your own trap again? Well, I often have it. Namely, the mistake I keep making is putting 'being useful' above relaxation and fun. Work, chores, cleaning, even walking the dogs. As long as it is useful, I get a satisfied feeling at the end of the day and that works like drugs. And I am addicted. 


If I haven't been useful enough in a day, or haven't finished everything on the list I wanted to do, I have to work hard not to get very cranky. The euphoric feeling of "I've done everything, wonderful!" is not there, so it's a bit of a grey hole I find myself in. Stupid? Yes! Because why do I have to be so terribly useful in a day? Why do I always have to go full throttle ahead? 

The little things

I no longer need to seek answers to these questions. I have had this trait for years, and by now I know how to deal with it. For me, the solution lies in letting go, enjoying and relaxing more. Easier said than done?

Yes, sometimes it does! What works well for me is focusing on the little things. The dogs acting funny, strolling around the garden and enjoying all the beauty, the little bird looking at me mischievously, the first sip of tea with my breakfast and enjoying reading a book.

The little things show me the way. I become calmer, more relaxed, can let go more easily and feel like doing things purely for 'fun'. And hup... back on track!

Do you know that too?

Secretly, I think everyone has this. I hope so too, because otherwise I might be a weird case, haha! Nowadays we are so busy with everything and everything goes so incredibly fast too. The little things, the special moments, they quickly disappear like snow in the sun, or we don't even see them! So now I consciously slow down and suddenly see that the sun is shining! The leaves of the red trees seem to give light, a blackbird whistles and Bram stretches at my feet once more. What little things do you notice now? 


Need inspiration?

I get inspired by all the little things, you probably understand by now why! Painting is still therapy for me and capturing the little things in life gives me so much satisfaction and direction. You will surely find inspiration to enjoy the little things in your own way!