The newest blogs


Making a new product: trial and error

  You've probably already seen it: a new invention! You can read more about the cosy UP itself here. But in this blog, I will take you through the development of the cosy UP, which took over a year! And I can tell you: it was accompanied by the necessary setbacks, challenges and setbacks. Was it all worth it?

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More cosiness through structure?

Maybe I should just start at the beginning. In the previous blog, you read that I made a mess of things with all the busyness, and the structure was far from perfect. Read it again if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Writing that blog really made it clear to me that, above all, I lack structure. In this blog all about my 'trial' with structure and I'll tell you if it's paying off for me.

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The oxygen mask

  I sit next to my little Christmas tree at my studio. As I look outside, wet snow pours from the skylight. I ponder for a moment. 

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Slow living

Creating calm in busy times

Autumn is in full swing, probably the busiest time of the year for many people. At least for me it is! So how do I make sure I can keep living 'slow'. That I consciously move with the seasons, take good care of myself and of course enjoy all the cosiness? In this blog, I will take you through my attempts that did not work (failures) and I have a few tips that have since worked for me! 

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Herfst buiten vieren
Slow living

Letting go

Autumn is just around the corner, if you look closely you will already notice it in nature! After the peaks of summer, autumn is the time to let go. For trees literally, but for us humans it is sometimes a bit more nuanced. What am I letting go of this autumn? I tell you all about it in this blog.   

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I'm better, aren't I?

I'm better, or am I? My life has changed a lot. This shot through my mind as I was brooding on a new blog. It only now seems to dawn on me how much my life has changed. It is sometimes confusing: does it mean that I am 'better' or just that I have adapted my life to cope? I invariably start believing in the first option. Is it true? 

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